Collection Museum Het Schip, Gemeente Elektriciteit huisje, ©Museum Het Schip

Collection of streetfurniture

An exhibition about Amsterdam School streetfurniture can be seen around the museum and in the museum garden.

Streetfurniture is all around us. We are so used to it, we are hardly aware of these objects in our daily surroundings.
Urinoirs, mailboxes, streetlights and garbagebins were all subject to a weary history when it comes to style. An important change to this history was made by the architects and artists of the Amsterdam School. During the first decade of the last century, the designers of the Amsterdam School made themselfs known by paying very close attention to the coherence between public space, architecture and objects. Therefore, they started to design streetfurniture as precisely and detailed as they designed their architecture. 

In the Spaarndammer area, you will find a collection of beautiful street objects made by the Amsterdam School artists. The exhibition in the courtyard of the museum explains about the rise of the Amsterdam School streetfurniture, the designers and their clients.

The garden is designed by Piet Koster of Stadsdeel Westerpark. The exhibition is curated by Isabel van Lent.

The exhibition is accessible for visitors with a valid ticket.


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