Locations and opening hours

Museum Het Schip

Museum Het Schip is located in the imaginative public housing complex designed by architect Michel de Klerk. This expressionist housing block was built in 1919 for the housing corporation Eigen Haard. Because of its shape, the building is popularly known as The Ship. It belongs to the top of the Amsterdam School, a movement in construction and decoration that spread throughout the Netherlands.

Het Schip, mottenraampje, ©Léontine Geffen-Lamers

Route Museum The Schip

Museum Het Schip
Oostzaanstraat 45
1013 WG Amsterdam

Collage Museum De Dageraad

Museum De Dageraad

Behind the wave-shaped facade of the famous working-class housing complex De Dageraad, you will find information about the art and architecture of the Amsterdam School.

De Dageraad, Henriëtte Ronnerstraat, ©Marcel Westhoff

Route Museum The Dageraad

Museum The Dageraad
Burgemeester Tellegenstraat 128
1073 KG Amsterdam

Cover Wendingen, Het Schelpennummer, H. Th. Wijdeveld, Roland Holst

Platform Wendingen

Wendingen (‘turns’, ‘twists’) is the digital interactive platform of Museum the Ship. The name derives from the monthly journal Wendingen which from 1918 to 131 functioned as the most important medium for the Amsterdam School architects to voice their ideas.

logo Amsterdamse Federatie van Woningcorporaties
Bouwinvest Logo

logo Amsterdams Fonds voor de Kunst

Logo Mondriaan Fonds
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